Peace Out Open
Congratulations if you made it through the 2018 Open! This was no easy feat. Each year, February rolls around and fills us with anxiety and trepidation. What will the workouts be? Will I be able to accomplish my goals? Did I do all the right things in the year leading up to the Open? These questions seem to haunt us all for weeks leading up, and then, BOOM! Just like that, it’s over in the blink of an eye. Here are a few things I learned this year.
First off, check yourself before you wreck yourself. Yes, I just said that, and, yes, I’m serious! It’s only CrossFit; it’s a sport. I understand it is a very important part of our lives, but your value as a human being is not determined by a number on the leaderboard. You are enough. Don’t get me wrong, it is much easier said than done! During this Open, I had plenty of moments where I found myself falling into old ways, feeling overly stressed about workouts. I worried that if I didn’t hit a certain number or goal, I simply wasn’t good enough. I let my emotions take over a few times, and this did me no good – in fact, it made me perform worse. Eventually, I checked myself and remembered that my absolute best effort is good enough. And if I gave that in each workout, then I did all I can do! Be proud of yourself. Your value is not dependent on a placement.
That leads us to the leaderboard… let it go! Wasting hours obsessing over what others are doing is not going to help you perform your best. Don’t compare yourself to others. If you took the strengths of others and compared them to your weaknesses, do you think that would do something beneficial for you or make you feel good? This is usually what we do. We look at someone’s highlight reel on Instagram or their worldwide ranking and compare it to ourselves. This doesn’t allow us to see our own strengths and their true value. It also can lead to unhappiness, jealousy, and self-pity. All of which, are no good and can hold you back from becoming your best self! So, break the habit. Become more aware of what you’re doing when you’re comparing yourself to someone on social media (or the dreaded leaderboard), count your blessings, focus on your strengths, and be okay with imperfection. Nobody is perfect, right?!
Lastly, get excited about the future! If you are alive, healthy, and able to compete in the Open you have SO much to be grateful for. Life is short. Don’t waste days upset about things you cannot change. If you gave 100 percent effort in every workout, and it didn’t turn out your way, then you have nothing to regret. And if you look back and realize you didn’t give 100 percent, then don’t let it happen again. It is necessary to face disappointment in life. Our disappointments and struggles drive us to be better, to push harder, and ultimately become the best version of ourselves. Reflect on those moments; the good and the bad; and let them help you grow into a better person. If you can do that, I bet that will help you become a better athlete as well.
Peace out 2018 Open! I’ll be ready for you next year! :)