10 ways to help cultivate a grateful heart

  1. Start a gratefulness journal. Write down 3 things you’re grateful for daily. 

  2. Guard your heart and mind by limiting negativity, toxic thoughts, people and/or situations that drain you. 

  3. Express your gratitude to others! Share the things your grateful for with those around you. Send a card or flowers expressing gratitude for a friend. Express your appreciation for your servers, baristas, postal workers, etc. 

  4. Interrupt anxious moments with prayer, breathing exercises, journaling, walking, or worship music. 

  5. Break the habit of complaining. Every time you catch yourself complaining, replace it with something you’re grateful for.

  6. Show others grace. 

  7. Intentionally serve someone in need. 

  8. Spend time in stillness and solitude.

  9. Regularly make time for things that bring you joy, connection, and rest. 

  10. Notice and appreciate the little things! The sunshine on your face, a hot cup of coffee, or a coat when it’s cold. 


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